In Swedish


is an interactive visualization tool where concepts from mathematics can be explained intuitively for university students, using modern 3D computer graphics inside the web browser.

Demo: Optimization with equality constraints

Watch a video (Swedish only):

This is our entry for the competition C Awards, where we won prizes in the categories Best Interaction Design and People's Choice Award

We love the process of learning, visualization, 3D computer graphics and software

Our dream is to be part of a revolutionary development in how students learn mathematics. Modern web technologies such as JavaScript and WebGL provide entirely new ways to create accissible and interactive visualizations, and we are fascinated about these possibilities.

Our goal is to motivate students to build up a visual understanding of mathematics, instead of just memorizing a couple of formulae. We strive to develop software that help people.

Do you want to help us to take math education to the next level?

We welcome collaborations with universities, student literature authors and companies who want to contribute to the development of math eduacation. Use this form to get in contact with us for any reason. We'd love to hear from you!
